Friday, November 20, 2015

Dashboard to show quick list of approved certificates


User must be logged-in as an Administrator

Dashboard to show quick list of approved certificates

The Dashboard will now show a quick list of plant approval and shipment clearance certificates approved by the logged-in Administrator.

This will help in quick access of a certificate in case any change in status has to be handled by the administrator.  

The list will be sorted in descending order of date of issue, i.e. latest approved would be shown on top or first in the table.

Below screenshot is just a sample.

Adding Swachh Bharat Cess

Settings Page | Administrator

Administrators and Super -admins can now see and modify the new Swachh Bharat Cess (SBC) under top Menu > Site Administration > Settings

PAC & SCC pages | Administrator and Industrial User

At the time of fee calculations, the new SBC will be shown on both PAC and SCC pages for Administrators, Super-Admins and Industrial Users.

Payment Page | Administrators

In the tabular listing, two new columns have been introduced - SBC Tax percentage and SBC Tax (this is the exact amount of SBC calculated in rupees).

Under summary of payments, the new SBC will now be shown separately (below screenshot is just an example).

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How Super-Admin can Register & Disable an Administrator?


User must be a Super-Administrator.

Steps to Register an Administrator

  1. Login as Super Administrator
  2. Go to Top Menu > "Site Administration"
  3. Select "Register an Administrator"
  4. A screen would open where Super Administrator would require to enter details of the Administrator - name, email, region code (where the new administrator belong to - select any one of the regions NR, SR, WR, ER), mobile phone number etc.
  5. Click on Register Administrator.
  6. Once done, the system will immediately send an email invite to the new administrator. This email will contain the credentials and the steps to register with Capexil Online Certification System. 
  7. Once the new administrator follows the steps in the registration email & registers with the system, a confirmation email will be sent to all administrators notifying of the new entrant.

Steps to Disable an Administrator

  1. Login as Super Administrator
  2. Go to Top Menu > "All Users"
  3. Select "All Administrators"
  4. Find the administrator in the table that is shown.
  5. Click on the OPEN button shown against the administrator detail row in the table.
  6. Details of the Administrator will be shown here.
  7. Down below, from the "Status" drop-down, select "Disabled".
  8. Click on Save Details. There will be a confirmation message of this updation.
  9. Also - Notification of this action (of disabling of Administrator) will be shown on all administrator's (including super-admin) dashboard under Notifications table.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Date Range Queries for PAC, SCC and Payments

The Date Range query is at the bottom of  every listing page i.e. 

for PACs it is there at All Certificates > All Plant Approval Certificates, 

for SCCs it is there at All Certificates > All Shipment Clearance Certificates, 

and for Payments it is there at Other Listings > All Payments.


User must be an administrator

Plant Approval Certificate - Date Range Query

Please follow the screenshot below.  Administrator must specify a date range in order to run the query.  Optionally, admin can also select region code based on which data will be filtered further. If no region is selected, PAC for all regions will be shown.

Shipment Clearance Certificate - Date Range Query

Please follow the screenshot below.  Administrator must specify a date range in order to run the query.  Optionally, admin can also select region code based on which data will be filtered further. If no region is selected, SCC for all regions will be shown.

Additionally, there is a check-box provided to separate filtration of data based on supporting unit's location.

Payment - Date Range Query

Please follow the screenshot below.  Administrator must specify a date range in order to run the query.  Optionally, admin can also select region code based on which data will be filtered further. Also, admin can select the status of the payment from the drop-down for further data segregation.

There is also financial summary of total fee, total tax and total collection w.r.t.  data range query, just below the table that lists the payments information.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Data Filters for Administrators

There are data filters on every screen in the application.  Users (Administrators) can filter information based on these filters provided over specific table as column filters.  Below are some examples.


User needs to login as an Administrator.

Dashboard - Notifications

I want to see Shipment Clearance Certificate Approved Notifications

User needs to select respective 'type' filter from the notifications table on the dashboard. Similarly, Administrators should explore other type filters, 'From' and 'To' filters on the same table.

All Plant Approval Certificates

I want to see all Northern region certificates

User will have to select respective "Region" filter. Similarly, other filters can be explored.

Likewise Administrator can type a company name in the text box provided as filter. The system will then list all PACs issued to that company.

All Shipment Clearance Certificates

I want to see all SCCs of Northern Region destined for Germany

Administrator would need to select respective "Region" from the drop down filter provided. System will then sort all NR region SCCs. Then user would need to select "Destination" as Germany from the destination filter. 

All Products

I want to see all products of ABP-FSB category

Administrator should select "Category" filter available in the drop down.

All Payments

I want to see all "Pending" payments

User needs to select "Payment Status" filter available.

I want to see all payments in ascending or descending order of the date.

User needs to click "Date" (its is a clickable/hyperlink) column header filter in order to sort the table information based on ascending or descending order.  Alternative clicks will change to ascending or descending order.

All Industrial Users

I want to see all Merchant Exporters listed with the system.

Go to Top Menu, All Users > All Industrial Users
Select the "Industrial User Type" as "Merchant Exporters" filter provided on the table header. This will sort the information based on Merchant Exporters registered with the system. 

Similarly, Administrators can try other filter types provided. 

All Administrators

I want to see all Northern Region Administrators.

Go to Top Menu, All Users > All Administrators
Select the "Region" as "NR" filter provided on the table header. This will sort the information based on NR-based Administrators registered with the system. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Apply for Declaration and Annexure-2


  1. Industrial User should have a valid or approved shipment clearance certificate.
  2. The product(s) in the shipment must require Annexure and/or Declaration. 
  3. If the industrial user cannot see "Apply for Declaration" and/or "Apply for Annexure-2" buttons against their product, then they must contact their Administrator. 

Administrator must check for Annexure-2 and/or Declaration

Administrator must ensure if a particular product requires Annexure2 and/or Declaration.

  1. Administrator must login.
  2. Go to Other Listings > All Products
  3. Select the product, click on OPEN button.
  4. Must select the checkbox that reads Annexure-2 required, and/or Declaration required, as applicable.

How to Apply for Annexure-2 and/or Declaration

  1. Login as Industrial User with your login credentials.
  2. Go to top menu, Apply for Certificate > Post Shipment Certificate.
  3. Once you select the menu, you would see a page as below.
  4. User would need to click on "Apply for Declaration" or "Apply for Annexure-2" blue colored buttons as applicable.
  5. If a product does not need any of the documents, then a crossed-circle sign will be visible, as shown in the screenshot. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

How to Apply for a Health Certificate?


  1. Member should have at least one approved shipment clearance certificate.
  2. As of now - only shipments to Europe can apply for health certificate online.

Industrial Users

  1. Industrial Users need to login to Capexil online certification system.
  2. Go to top menu Apply for Certificate > Post Shipment
  3. User would see a list of approved shipment clearance certificate.
  4. Against each shipment clearance certificate row, there will be a blue button 'Apply for Health Certificate'.
  5. Once this button is clicked, new health certificate screen opens up.
  6. User would need to fill all information marked mandatory.  
  7. Wherever an input field is not applicable, user would need to mention the same.
  8. Selecting chapter is critical to the health certificate generation. User should be very careful while selecting the same.
  9. User would need to click on Save Details button after the health certificate information is entered.
  10. Go back to the home screen as mentioned in Step 2.
  11. Below there would be a table (as shown in screenshot above) where the recently saved health certificate would be there with the state NEW.
  12. User would need to click the "OPEN" button for this certificate.
  13. Health certificate screen opens.
  14. User would need to recheck if all entries are okay. This is the state where details can reedited and saved.
  15. If all is okay, User would need to click on "Apply" button.
  16. Email notifications will be sent on each state change.
  17. The approval would be pending at the administrator's end.

Additional Document Requirement

For GEL and ABP-CBM based products

For GEL and ABP-CBM products, user will be asked up upload certificate from Veterinary officer.  This is mandatory.

For PET products

For PET products, industrial users will have to submit documents (test certificates) to their regional office in physical form before the health certificate gets approved.  Below is the alert shown for PET product based health certificate.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Security Measures - Plant approval Certificate of Expired Plants


The plant approval certificate has expired.

Description of Security Measure

When a plant approval certificate expires, the 'Download Certificate' button remains enabled. This is because user might need to print the PDF for the sake of records.

However, whenever user clicks on this button and downloads the certificate, the printed PDF will -
  • not be digitally signed
  • not contain the language of plant being approved by Capexil.
  • not be on Capexil's letterhead
  • not contain Capexil's watermark
  • contain expiry remarks that the certificate is no longer valid.
  • will contain a waternark as 'EXPIRED' 

Below is the snapshot of a sample PDF -

Sample Shipment Fee

Administrators & Super Administrators

Administrators and super-Administrator will get to see a new setting parameter, which is 'Sample Shipment Fee'.  This fee can only be modified by the super administrator.  

They'll have to go to top menu, Site Administration > Settings.

Industrial Users

Industrial users will now get to select an option while applying for Shipment Clearance Certificate. 
It is essentially a drop-down that the user MUST select. 

This fee information will be clearly shown depending what the user selects from this drop-down of Shipment Type.

(a) Sample Fee

(b) Commercial Fee

I've added this information of sample shipment fee on the Fee Structure page for users Admins, Super-Admin and Industrial Users.

Go top menu > Information > Fee Structure.

Here is the snapshot -

Friday, July 24, 2015

Merchant Exporter - Impact on Plant Approval and Shipment Clearance Certificates


  • User must be a merchant exporter
  • User  must have added one or more supporting units, as explained here.

Plant Approval Certificate

After user has added one or more supporting units, user can apply for plant approval certificate.
On the plant approval certificate screen, the added supporting units will be clearly shown, as below:

User's application for plant approval will go to the regional office based on the plant's state and district, and not that of supporting unit.  Accordingly, approval number will be allotted.

Date of expiry
For all supporting units, system will find the maximum expiry date.  There are two conditions:
  1. If this maximum date is less than one year, then the plant approval certificate's expiry is set to this date.  
  2. If this maximum date is greater than one year, then the plant approval certificate's expiry is set to one year from the date of issue.

Final PDF Certificate
Supporting Unit information will be included in the final PAC PDF certificate, as below.

Shipment Clearance Certificate

  1. While applying for shipment clearance, user (merchant exporter) will be asked to select their supporting unit as a mandatory input. 
  2. User must first Save the shipment clearance certificate. 
  3. User then should go back to their SCC listing (Edit menu > Apply for Certificate > Shipment Clearance), and then click on Open button, as below
  4. User is then supposed to Upload confirmation letter from the supporting manufacturer. If this is missing, form won't submit for the merchant exporter.
  5. Below there, regional office is also shown, based on supporting unit that was selected.
  6. Accordingly, shipment clearance application shall be approved by the regional administrator.
  7. The shipment clearance certificate approval number shall be allotted based on supporting unit selected, as defined in 5,6 above.
  8. Finally, on the generated PDF of shipment clearance certificate, the supporting unit details will be shown as below:

Merchant Exporter - How to add Supporting Unit?


  • User must be a merchant exporter
  • User needs to associate a supporting unit with a plant. 
    • There should be NO plant approval certificate existing in the system for the user against the plant - OR - 
    • if a plant approval certificate already exists, that plant approval certificate should be in NEW state.

How to add a Supporting Unit

  1. Login as Industrial User at
  2. Go to Top Menu, Edit > Your Supporting Unit details (this will only be visible to merchant exporters)
  3. User would see a table showing all his existing plants.
  4. If the plant has an associated plant approval certificate which is in state other than NEW, user won't be able to see 'Add Supporting Unit' button.
  5. If the plant does not have an associated plant approval certificate, or that certificate is in NEW state, user would see an 'Add Supporting Unit' button.
  6. To add or associate a supporting unit with a plant, click on the Add Supporting Unit button against the row of that plant.
  7.  After user clicks on Add Supporting Unit button, a new page will open with the heading 'New Supporting Unit for Merchant Exporter'
  8. There will be a drop down where user must select his supporting manufacturer. Manufacturer's name and approval number will be shown in this drop down.
  9. Click on Save - to associate the selected manufacture as supporting unit.
  10. An email alert will also be sent to both user (merchant exporter) and supporting unit manufacturer informing that a supporting unit has been added.
  11. To see the supporting unit listed & associated with the plant, go back to Top menu > Edit > Your Supporting unit details. The table will show your plant and recently added supporting unit.
  12. To add more supporting units, user would need to repeat 4-11 as above.   

Monday, July 13, 2015

How to apply for Renewal of Plant Approval Certificate?


Either of the two conditions should hold good:
  1. The plant approval certificate should be in approved state and the expiry date should be 90 days or less. In this case, user would see a button 'Initiate Renewal' against the associated plant. This button would be visible under - top menu > Edit > Your plant and plant capacity. See details below in Steps for Renewal.
  2. The plant approval certificate has already expired. 

Steps for Renewal

User will see an alert on the dashboard - under header 'Tasks requiring your attention.'
- if the plant approval certificate is due renewal. That is, it fulfills any one of the above conditions (mentioned under prerequisites).

Plant and Plant Capacity Details page

  1. Go to Top Menu > Edit > Your Plant and Plant Capacity Details page 
  2. User would see a green Initiate Renewal button, against their plant that is pending renewal, as shown above. 
  3. Click on the Initiate Renewal button. 
  4. A duplicate entry of the same plant and plant capacity shall be created in the same table, at the bottom most position. 
  5. There will be a confirmation once this duplicate entry gets created, as shown. 
  6. This duplicate entry will be marked blue colored 'Renewal' tag, shown below: 

Editing Plant or Plant Capacity

  1. User would be able to Edit plant details by clicking on blue colored "Open" button. However, user won't be able to change or edit state, district and establishment date of the plant. 
  2. User would be able to edit plant capacity details by click on orange color "Open" button. However, user won't be able to change or edit product category. Rest all the details are editable. 
  3. Deletion of the plant and it's capacity won't be allowed. 

Apply for Renewal Certificate

  1. Once the user has edited the plant or plant capacity, or is ready to apply, he needs to go to Top Menu > Apply for Certificate > Plant Approval Certificate. 
  2. This page will list all plant approval certificate on the upper half of the page. 
  3. The lower half of this page will show list of plants of the industrial user. 
  4. Here, under the list of plants, the duplicate entry of the plant created after clicking Initiate renewal, will be shown. User must find that duplicate entry. 
  5. Against this plant, there will be a button shown in green, saying 'Apply for Renewal.'
  6. User would then need to click on green button 'Apply for Renewal.' 
  7. User would see a form or screen for plant approval certificate. This is exactly the same as the user had submitted for applying for plant approval earlier on.Follow instructions given on the form/screen. Most of the details shall be similar to that of earlier plant approval certificate, as we'd created a duplicate. 
  8. User need to ensure that the type of application selected is "Renewal Application."
  9. After uploading required document and filling all fields user would need to Save the form.
  10. Go back to the main home of plant approval certificates (top menu > Apply for certificate > Plant approval certificate). A visual indication of "Renewal" will be shown against the saved certificate.
  11. User would then need to click on Open button of this plant approval certificate (that was saved and is in NEW status). This will open the form/screen saved earlier.
  12. Finally, click on APPLY button below this screen/form.

Important Outcomes

  1. Plant approval certificate shall be generated after approval from the regional administrator.
  2. The plant approval number shall remain the same.
  3. Expiry of old plant approval certificate - Upon successful approval of the renewed application, the older or previous certificate shall automatically expire. The old certificate will not show up at the time of applying for shipment clearance certificate. However - the new, renewed plant approval certificate will show up at the time of applying for shipment clearance certificate.