Monday, August 10, 2015

How to Apply for a Health Certificate?


  1. Member should have at least one approved shipment clearance certificate.
  2. As of now - only shipments to Europe can apply for health certificate online.

Industrial Users

  1. Industrial Users need to login to Capexil online certification system.
  2. Go to top menu Apply for Certificate > Post Shipment
  3. User would see a list of approved shipment clearance certificate.
  4. Against each shipment clearance certificate row, there will be a blue button 'Apply for Health Certificate'.
  5. Once this button is clicked, new health certificate screen opens up.
  6. User would need to fill all information marked mandatory.  
  7. Wherever an input field is not applicable, user would need to mention the same.
  8. Selecting chapter is critical to the health certificate generation. User should be very careful while selecting the same.
  9. User would need to click on Save Details button after the health certificate information is entered.
  10. Go back to the home screen as mentioned in Step 2.
  11. Below there would be a table (as shown in screenshot above) where the recently saved health certificate would be there with the state NEW.
  12. User would need to click the "OPEN" button for this certificate.
  13. Health certificate screen opens.
  14. User would need to recheck if all entries are okay. This is the state where details can reedited and saved.
  15. If all is okay, User would need to click on "Apply" button.
  16. Email notifications will be sent on each state change.
  17. The approval would be pending at the administrator's end.

Additional Document Requirement

For GEL and ABP-CBM based products

For GEL and ABP-CBM products, user will be asked up upload certificate from Veterinary officer.  This is mandatory.

For PET products

For PET products, industrial users will have to submit documents (test certificates) to their regional office in physical form before the health certificate gets approved.  Below is the alert shown for PET product based health certificate.

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