Thursday, August 31, 2017

Regional Administrators can now edit plant capacity


  1. The user must be logged in as an Administrator
  2. The user must be the Regional Administrator of the corresponding plant he wants to Edit.
  3. The plant approval certificate associated with the plant must be in either NEW or APPLIED state. Editing won't be allowed in any other state.


  1. The system will generate a unique reference number for every plant that is existing or is being created new in the database.
  2. This unique reference number shall be clearly visible on the Plant Approval Certificate page under Plant Details section.
  3. The administrator must make a note of this reference number in order to search for the plant in the list mentioned in the next few steps.
  4. Then, go to top menu > Other Listings > All Member Plants
  5. A list will open showing all plants in the system. There will be filters on the top assisting in searching.
  6. The Administrator must enter the plant reference number (as noted in step 3 above) in the column that reads 'Plant Reference Number'.
  7. Once the desired row opens, the administrator must click on Ă‹dit Capacity button, as marked in the screenshot above.
  8. A new page will open listing details of that particular plant.
  9. Only one field shall be editable i.e. Capacity, which the administrator must edit and click on Save Details button as shown. 
  10. The member who owns the plant shall receive an email notification of this action of editing of plant capacity, along with a copy to all Administrators.

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