Saturday, February 15, 2025

As a Member, I want to change the Contact Person Details of my Company

 Steps to Change the Contact Person Details

  1. Login with your credentials as a Member by going to the link:
  2. Go to the top menu > Extreme right Menu that reads, 'Logged In As <your-email-address>'
  3. Click on the 'Logged-In As..' menu  > go to Edit Profile
  4. When the page opens, see lower half of the screen with the heading, 'Personal Information'
  5. You can edit the Contact Person Name and/or Mobile number
  6. Then Save the details that have been edited.
  7. Wait for the confirmation message in green saying that the details have been saved successfully.

Friday, April 19, 2024

As a member, how can I change my email address, phone number, or password?

 As a member, how can  I change my email address, phone number, or password?

  1. Log in as a member with your username and password to
  2. You need to click on your email that appears on the top menu bar (see extreme right at the top, 'Logged in as'), and open menu that says Edit Profile.
  3. Enter or Edit details on the page that opens and click on Save 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

As a Member, how can I change details of my plant?

 As a Member, how can I change details of my plant?


The status of your concerned plant approval certificate has to be set to NEW. 

Steps to follow

1. Please ask the concerned Capexil officer to change your plant approval certificate to state "NEW". 

2. Once the plant approval certificate status is changed to NEW, login as a member to the application with your username and password

3.  Go to top menu > Edit > Your plant and plant capacity details

4.  Once this page opens, please look for the plant for which you need to modify the address. Click on the "Open Plant Details" button in the same row.

5.  For example, to change your plant address on the page that opens and click on the Save Details button.

6. Likewise - you change other details that are editable on this page.

7.  Go ahead and re-apply for the plant approval certificate by going to the top menu > Apply for Certificate > Plant Approval Certificate. Open your certificate and click on the apply button.

Friday, February 24, 2023

As an Administrator, how to temporarily extend a Plant Approval Certificate?


Plant approval certificate must be in APPLIED state.

If the plant approval certificate is in APPROVED state, then the Administrator must make it 'SET to NEW' and then ask the concerned member to APPLY again by clicking on the apply button at the member's end.  This will put the plant approval certificate in APPLIED state as a prerequisite.


  1. An Administrator can manually give extension to a Plant approval certificate by first setting it to NEW state (by logging in as an admin) if it is not in NEW state already.
  2. Ask the member to re-APPLY such that the certificate is in APPLIED state.
  3. Then while approving - Choose the criteria for expiry called 'Expiration Period' from the dropdown menu that is available to the administrators at the time of approving a certificate.
  4. Choose Re-calculate Expiry dropdown as "Yes"
  5. Finally APPROVE the certificate by clicking on APPROVE button.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

As an Administrator, how to complete a Cheque/DD payment?


The payment must be received in Capexil's bank account.  You need to check payment individually.  If any payment is not credited to Capexil's account, then marking that payment as COMPLETED would be incorrect.

The payment mode should be Cheque/DD.

The Steps:

I am listing steps below on how you, as an Administrator can mark the payments as COMPLETED.
  1. Login as Administrator
  2. Go to Top Menu > Other Listings  > All Payments
  3. Payments table will appear, with column names. Lookout for the 'Cheque No' column and enter cheque number of the payment, e.g. 422464.
  4. Open that particular payment by clicking on the "Open" button on the extreme right.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page that opens.  See the section "Fee Details."  Right below you would see a button, "Set Completed." 

  6. You simply have to click this "Set Completed" button to complete this particular payment.
  7. Repeat this exercise for all pending payments that you need to mark as COMPLETED and ensure first that the payment has been credited to Capexil's bank account. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

As an Administrator, how to update GST Number for a Member Plant

 Steps to Follow.

1. Login as an Administrator -

2. Go to Top Menu  > All Certificates > All Plant Approval Certificates. Search for the particular plant approval certificate using various fields available as columns.

3. Once you have found the PAC, click on the open button to view the same.

4. Look for Plant Reference Number on the page that opens. See screenshot below.

5. Make a note of this reference number.  

6. Go to Top Menu > Other Listings > All Member Plants

7. Do search for the plant using the Plant Reference Number noted in step 4 above.

8. Click on the button, Plant Details as shown above.

9.  Fill in the GST number  on the page that opens and click on the Save Details button.  


The GST text input field and the Save Details button will only show up if there is no existing GST number present. If there is any existing GST number appearing on this screen, then the two fields (marked in red color below) will not appear.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

As a Member, how to update GST Number per plant

 As a Member, how to update GST Number per Plant


The associated Plant Approval Certificate for this Plant should be in NEW state. In case it is not in NEW state, please contact your regional Capexil Office Administrator to make it to NEW state and then after updating the GST number, you can re-apply the same Plant Approval Certificate. 

Steps to follow

  1. Login as a Member
  2. Go to Top Menu > Edit > Your Plant and Plant Capacity Details
  3. Open any existing Plant that requires the GST number to be entered.
  4. After opening the plant, member would see the GST number field. Enter the GST number and click on Save Details.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Regional Administrators can now edit plant capacity


  1. The user must be logged in as an Administrator
  2. The user must be the Regional Administrator of the corresponding plant he wants to Edit.
  3. The plant approval certificate associated with the plant must be in either NEW or APPLIED state. Editing won't be allowed in any other state.


  1. The system will generate a unique reference number for every plant that is existing or is being created new in the database.
  2. This unique reference number shall be clearly visible on the Plant Approval Certificate page under Plant Details section.
  3. The administrator must make a note of this reference number in order to search for the plant in the list mentioned in the next few steps.
  4. Then, go to top menu > Other Listings > All Member Plants
  5. A list will open showing all plants in the system. There will be filters on the top assisting in searching.
  6. The Administrator must enter the plant reference number (as noted in step 3 above) in the column that reads 'Plant Reference Number'.
  7. Once the desired row opens, the administrator must click on Ă‹dit Capacity button, as marked in the screenshot above.
  8. A new page will open listing details of that particular plant.
  9. Only one field shall be editable i.e. Capacity, which the administrator must edit and click on Save Details button as shown. 
  10. The member who owns the plant shall receive an email notification of this action of editing of plant capacity, along with a copy to all Administrators.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Issuance of Invoice by Administrator


  1. For issuance of invoice, payment must be in Completed state.
  2. Only Administrators can issue invoice. Therefore, user must be an Administrator.
  3. Administrator must ensure that the GSTIN of the member is updated. 
  4. Administrator can ask for the GSTIN from the member and update it by logging in, going to top menu > All Users > Industrial user > Search for that particular using name or email > Open the member detail page.
  5. Enter the GSTIN information on this screen and Save the details.
  6. For non-GST payments, steps 3-5 above are not required.

How to download the invoice?

  1. Login as an Administrator 
  2. Go to top menu > Other Listings > All Payments
  3. Search for particular payment for which the invoice needs to be issued. Please note that the payment must be in Completed state, otherwise the invoice would not be available.
  4. On the same payment detail page, Administrator would see "Download Invoice" button (if the payment is in Completed state).
  5. Upon clicking the button, invoice would be download on the Administrator's local machine. 
  6. After confirming the details in the invoice are correct, Administrator can mail the invoice to the concerning member/firm.

How a member can update GSTIN information

  1. Login as a member
  2. Go to top menu > Edit > Your company Details
  3. On this detail page, there will be a text box labelled "GSTIN"
  4. Member must enter the GSTIN information and Save details.
  5. However, if the member has one or more approved plant approval certificates, this feature would be disabled. That is, the Administrator would have to do a "SET to NEW" to all the PACs of the member firm, only then Member would be able to update this information. 
  6. Post this change, Member would have to re-apply for the PAC(s).

Monday, May 22, 2017

As a member, how to add Stakeholders while applying for Plant Approval Certificate?


  • The user must be logged in as a Member.
  • The Plant approval certificate must be in NEW state.

Steps to do

1) User would see a header text right above the disclaimer (on the PAC), "Please add Stakeholders"
2) Right below, there would be a button, labeled "Add a Stakeholder"
3) Upon clicking the "Add a Stakeholder" button, a set of user input components would appear just below the button.
4) Inside the input controls, the user must mention all mandatory fields, name, type of stakeholder (e.g. Director, Partner, Proprietor, Karta), complete residential address, and mobile number.
5) Click on "Save Details" button once all stakeholders have been added.
6) To delete an existing Stakeholder, there would be an option to delete that Stakeholder and add a fresh.