User must be signed in as an Administrator. And, there must be at least one payment in the system that the user can reconcile.Reconcile is basically to correct an existing payment entry, but in our system, an Administrator can add Reconcile payment information without changing the base payment data.
This feature will show up only for "Cheque-DD" based payments.
Word of Caution
This is a feature to allow Admin to reconcile payment only in case of worst case scenarios. They must adhere to the rules laid down by the system, allow minimum delay and ensure payment details are filled and submitted correctly & timely. Admins must try and avoid using this feature in most cases.
How to Reconcile
Login as Administrator
Go to top menu, Other listing > All Payments
From the list of payments shown, Admin must OPEN a payment that he wants to reconcile.
On the payment detail page, Admin would see a button "Reconcile" to reconcile the payment.
Admin must fill all fields and must save.
Upon successful save, the reconcile payment record would be shown on the actual payment page (click on "Back to Payment" after saving).
Editing a Reconciled Payment
See the screenshot above - Administrator must click on "OPEN" button alongside the reconcile payment they wish to edit. Another screen will open that will allow Admin to edit the reconciled payment.
Email notification to Users, All Admins, and Super-Admin
Whenever a reconcile payment record is added a fresh, or modified an email will be sent to the associated user, all Admins and the super admin.
Reconcile Payment list part of downloaded Payment Excel
The reconcile payment list (the complete list, ignoring the date range for payments) will be downloaded as a separate sheet, in the date range payment excel downloaded from the Payment listing page.
In the same excel, the sheet showing the date-range payment list, will also have an additional column called Reconciliation Balance, that will show if payment was received less or in access of actual amount.
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