(1) Only a Super Administrator can invite an Administrator for registration.(2) Email ID of the Administrator should be of the domain ''
(3) Following details of the Administrator must be ready with the Super Admin:
- Full Name and Designation at Capexil
- Email ID to be registered with (should be of the domain '').
- Mobile Number
- Region Code (like NR, ER, WR, SR).
How to Register an Administrator
- Login as a Super Administrator
- Go to Top Menu > Site Administration
- Under Site Administration, click on the link 'Register an Administrator'.
- A new screen will open, as per the screenshot below:
- In the 'Name' field, please enter full name of the administrator, with his/her Designation at Capexil separated by a comma, e.g. Kiran Kumar, Deputy Director, Capexil.
- Enter Mobile Number in the mobile number field.
- Enter Email (of '') of the Admin in the email field.
- Select Region code from the drop down.
- Click on 'Register Administrator'.
The system will then send an email to the Administrator as an invite. The Admin must accept the invite and proceed with logging-in to the system with the credentials received in the email invite itself.