Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How Super-Admin can Register & Disable an Administrator?


User must be a Super-Administrator.

Steps to Register an Administrator

  1. Login as Super Administrator
  2. Go to Top Menu > "Site Administration"
  3. Select "Register an Administrator"
  4. A screen would open where Super Administrator would require to enter details of the Administrator - name, email, region code (where the new administrator belong to - select any one of the regions NR, SR, WR, ER), mobile phone number etc.
  5. Click on Register Administrator.
  6. Once done, the system will immediately send an email invite to the new administrator. This email will contain the credentials and the steps to register with Capexil Online Certification System. 
  7. Once the new administrator follows the steps in the registration email & registers with the system, a confirmation email will be sent to all administrators notifying of the new entrant.

Steps to Disable an Administrator

  1. Login as Super Administrator
  2. Go to Top Menu > "All Users"
  3. Select "All Administrators"
  4. Find the administrator in the table that is shown.
  5. Click on the OPEN button shown against the administrator detail row in the table.
  6. Details of the Administrator will be shown here.
  7. Down below, from the "Status" drop-down, select "Disabled".
  8. Click on Save Details. There will be a confirmation message of this updation.
  9. Also - Notification of this action (of disabling of Administrator) will be shown on all administrator's (including super-admin) dashboard under Notifications table.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Date Range Queries for PAC, SCC and Payments

The Date Range query is at the bottom of  every listing page i.e. 

for PACs it is there at All Certificates > All Plant Approval Certificates, 

for SCCs it is there at All Certificates > All Shipment Clearance Certificates, 

and for Payments it is there at Other Listings > All Payments.


User must be an administrator

Plant Approval Certificate - Date Range Query

Please follow the screenshot below.  Administrator must specify a date range in order to run the query.  Optionally, admin can also select region code based on which data will be filtered further. If no region is selected, PAC for all regions will be shown.

Shipment Clearance Certificate - Date Range Query

Please follow the screenshot below.  Administrator must specify a date range in order to run the query.  Optionally, admin can also select region code based on which data will be filtered further. If no region is selected, SCC for all regions will be shown.

Additionally, there is a check-box provided to separate filtration of data based on supporting unit's location.

Payment - Date Range Query

Please follow the screenshot below.  Administrator must specify a date range in order to run the query.  Optionally, admin can also select region code based on which data will be filtered further. Also, admin can select the status of the payment from the drop-down for further data segregation.

There is also financial summary of total fee, total tax and total collection w.r.t.  data range query, just below the table that lists the payments information.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Data Filters for Administrators

There are data filters on every screen in the application.  Users (Administrators) can filter information based on these filters provided over specific table as column filters.  Below are some examples.


User needs to login as an Administrator.

Dashboard - Notifications

I want to see Shipment Clearance Certificate Approved Notifications

User needs to select respective 'type' filter from the notifications table on the dashboard. Similarly, Administrators should explore other type filters, 'From' and 'To' filters on the same table.

All Plant Approval Certificates

I want to see all Northern region certificates

User will have to select respective "Region" filter. Similarly, other filters can be explored.

Likewise Administrator can type a company name in the text box provided as filter. The system will then list all PACs issued to that company.

All Shipment Clearance Certificates

I want to see all SCCs of Northern Region destined for Germany

Administrator would need to select respective "Region" from the drop down filter provided. System will then sort all NR region SCCs. Then user would need to select "Destination" as Germany from the destination filter. 

All Products

I want to see all products of ABP-FSB category

Administrator should select "Category" filter available in the drop down.

All Payments

I want to see all "Pending" payments

User needs to select "Payment Status" filter available.

I want to see all payments in ascending or descending order of the date.

User needs to click "Date" (its is a clickable/hyperlink) column header filter in order to sort the table information based on ascending or descending order.  Alternative clicks will change to ascending or descending order.

All Industrial Users

I want to see all Merchant Exporters listed with the system.

Go to Top Menu, All Users > All Industrial Users
Select the "Industrial User Type" as "Merchant Exporters" filter provided on the table header. This will sort the information based on Merchant Exporters registered with the system. 

Similarly, Administrators can try other filter types provided. 

All Administrators

I want to see all Northern Region Administrators.

Go to Top Menu, All Users > All Administrators
Select the "Region" as "NR" filter provided on the table header. This will sort the information based on NR-based Administrators registered with the system.